How I Battled Covid19 For 3 Months

You can win!

Life is not a bed of roses – but it’s in your hands to choose how to lie on it.

Life has been really tough for everyone – not just the students but business owners, parents, organizations, churches and even the government. Yes.

In this article, I’ll share with you how I’ve managed to keep balling as a student – no matter how hard it may have seemed to be in these trying times.

  • Firstly, I failed big. 

Fail Big!

Surviving as an independent individual and as the same time studying in a Nigerian school is not an easy thing to do. 

Sometimes I would want to try out new thing and fail woefully. So at the start of the lockdown, I decided to take some time out and reflect on the failures that I scaled through and I found out that they really were worth the risks.

  • Secondly, I went remote.

When I noticed that most physical meetings would compulsorily be put on a standstill, I proceeded to do the alternative and it proved to be the best choice to make at that time. 

I started by applying for remote jobs like freelance writing, web content creation, graphics designing, and even resume writing (yes, companies were still hiring). 

So despite most businesses being on a pause, like a spring-fed river which flows continually, the dough ceaselessly flowed in my pockets.

  • I continued learning.

One thing that I never stopped doing was to learn new things everyday. I did not just read my academic books. 

I constantly massacred personal development books which helped me greatly. Books such as – You can achieve more; live by design not by default by Shiv Khera, Soar! Build your vision from the ground up by T.D. Jakes, No Excuses! The Power of Self-discipline by Brian Tracy all proved to be very helpful. 

  • God was always there for me.

He has always been there to support me especially when things get so bad. My dear reader, put God first and you will never regret it. 

Have in mind that He knows everything you need. He will provide your needs according to His riches in Glory – that he has promised.

  •  I Took Responsibility

Giving up easily is just as detrimental as not trying at all. So I tried as much as possible to Learn – Reflect – Implement – Share new ideas, imaginations, dreams and set my priorities right.

Another thing that helped me greatly was to avoid instant gratification. I actually delayed it and it was the best thing to do. 

My dear reader, you can win. Develop the habit of self-discipline – Excusitis is a very big ailment. Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently.

Thank you for reading. Please share. 🙏

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